Sunday, June 11, 2023

For whom in your life, are you most grateful?

Oh! This is very easy! I am most grateful for my mother, Reyna. She is the person that I look up to, who I admire, who I call when I need a shoulder to cry on; a person that I can ask for advice, someone that I know will give me the truth about who I am, who will put me in the right direction if I go off the road, LOL! She will argue with me if I am wrong and I admire that in her. A person that truly loves you will give you the truth and tell you that they love you no matter what! She will never feed me with lies, deceit, or disrespect. I love her so much! I am proud to call her MOM!

What makes a person a good candidate for this description? Are they there physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually? Do they give you the truth? How do they help you on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis? And lastly, what do you do for them? These are all things to think about when you decide on who is the person you are most grateful for in your life.

I am curious. Tell me what other characteristics help you decide on your person.

Love Shell

#grateful #blessed #mother #personaldevelopment #BeyondExpectations

Personal Development - Is there something that you keep ruminating about what happened a long time ago?

 Yes! Why certain relationships didn't work out? Why did I always think it was me that made it not work out? Why do people do that? Why was I the one that had to go through all of this?

We are about to talk about all of this. Let's go! (I take a deep breath.)
You know that saying that, "God removes people from your life because He heard conversations that you didn't hear." Well, He was protecting me! Yes, he was! I could not see it at the time, because I was so focused on what wasn't working. God knows exactly what you need and he only works things out for you in His timing. Sometimes when you feel like there is no hope, miracles happen! Yes, they do! But, here is the thing, you are only focusing on the suffering, the sorrow, the sadness, the pain, the hurt, the agony, or even the miserable heartache. I feel like we allow it, so we need to determine for ourselves, "Is this worth it?" I was naive and insecure about so many things at a young age. This was one of the many reasons why I was a good target for these types of situations. I wanted to change all of this! It became my mantra and the desire to become something that I could work on to this day. God knew what I wanted out of life and He knew that I wanted to grow my 'Personal Development'. And with this, I needed to be with someone that was strong and willing to accept me for myself. This person needed to be someone that could possibly allow us to grow together as a Powerful Couple! This is why all of my past relationships never worked out. He knew what my purpose was! Having gone through all of this, I will be able to use this to help others. He is using my experiences whether good or bad to help others. I am His and He will be working through Me!
Some of the things such as the details, the why's, the what if's, and the reasons were are things that I needed to stop the vicious cycle of trying to understand why certain relationships did not work. I needed to start with myself in separating myself, focusing on keeping myself busy with productive growth, prayers, and a strong support system. In order to get the results that I wanted, I had to change the things I was doing and create better relationships with the people that I want in my life. Transformation is a big part of my life and it can work for you too. I leaned towards my church for all of this. Foundations had to be reset and forgiveness of myself needed to be done including the ones that weren't sorry. It was a relief for myself and to be allievated of the burdens that were there.
Let me tell you something. Look in the mirror and tell me, "I am worth it!" Your family, your friends, your co-workers, your boss, and even strangers that grow to know you will be rooting for you!
Let them go! Forgive yourself! No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, whose counting them anyway! Create the life you want for yourself and quit trying to figure everything out! It isn't for you to understand the details.
I hope this helps you!
Love Shell

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Personal Development: Appearances that help us everyday!

God created me with a purpose. So, I am starting this venture. Let's talk about personal development! Why do I want to talk about this? Because, as a society, people can be mean to each other at times. So, I want to change this one person at a time. I want to share and have others share with us! Let's build empowerment for women and men that do need our help. 

What is the definition of personal development? According to Google, it says, "Personal development is looking inward and focusing on ways to better yourself. Personal development increases self-awareness, your self-esteem, increases your skills, and fulfills your aspirations. 

Physical, mental, social, spiritual, and emotional are all five basic categories that help to build your personal development. We have struggled or still struggle with these things today. Let's dig deep into this now. 

Physical appearances what do you do to help care for yourself? Going to the saloon, getting a haircut at the barbershop, getting that facial, buying that new outfit that makes you happy, going to the thrift store and saving money, being consistent in your workout daily, getting your nails done, going to the dentist, and much more. What works for you may not work for the next person but it works! 

What is that saying, "When you look good, you feel good!" What a mantra! Something we can all take note of when it comes to working on our appearances. 

Tell me what you do! Please share with us. 

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