Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Purpose in Life ~ by Shell

How are these things helpful? Why are you deciding to do this? Who are you trying to be? Why? - Well, these are the most recent questions that I get from friends, family, or others. Let me see if I can address these questions. 

Many years ago when I was very young, I was playing on the playground at McDonald's.  I was probably like five years old. I remember this so vividly like it was yesterday. She was being pushed around by a little boy who was playing too. I just remember getting upset and being very protective. I told him, "Stop that, she's a girl and you're a boy!" He just looked at me with a puzzled look. He ran away and she was crying. I comforted her and told her it was okay. I will never forget that feeling. I am the oldest of the kids, very protective, and a sense of being responsible. I try to follow the rules but sometimes rules are meant to be broken on certain occasions. This kid needed to understand he was wrong, and sometimes fear is set aside to make sure he knows the truth. Who would have thought? Fast forward to my adult life, trying to figure out how life works. 

I appreciate life and all the struggles life has brought so that I am able to help others. I was a single mother for some years and had no choice but to be a strong mother. This has given me the opportunity to really think about the things I worked so hard for and decide that I could do them for myself too! As mothers, we do the best we can for everyone even our children. At times we can be so hard on ourselves, but in the end, we have to say, "WE did the best we could with what we were given during that time!" 

So here I am on this journey to at least help that one person if possible, I am here if you need anything please let me know. We are here to help with tips and all the things that help us maneuver through this thing called LIFE. You will see things about being a mother, a sister, a wife, a friend, tips to a better me in personal development, a travel advisor, my trips, my journey through life, an organizer, and a healthcare professional. Happy Halloween! We love you! 

Love, Shell

Saturday, October 21, 2023


Introduction: Hello, my name is Shell! Introducing things to come....Join us in this new journey! Can't wait to see what the future holds for all of us! 

Traveling with Friends

How many of you have traveled with friends or family? We may have similarities or differences regarding this being a good idea or bad idea, however, I say it is a time that you can share life with them easily. We tend to talk more freely about things that are happening in life and this usually gives us a close connection with the time spent together. I have traveled with friends, my significant other, and my family especially in which we all have shared many things during these occasions. I love them all especially drinking a refresher or an adult drink of some sort with the views to die for! Who doesn't love a great view especially like Jamaica, Cancun, Croatia, or even Las Vegas! So if you are on the fence deciding whether to travel with that friend or family member, take the time to share things together in a new destination and have some quality time together. I have laughed and cried with my loved ones making a connection of a lifetime! I would not change it for anything in the world! It has been such a great time to make the memories of a lifetime! 

Does Multitasking Help You or Hurt You?

This is an important topic that should be evaluated for each business owner, entrepreneur, or worker for that matter. We all have so many th...