Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Daily Grind, Goals, and Depression with Ermie


These past few weeks we have been talking about purpose in life, goals, how things can interrupt our routine, and how these can impact us regularly. Today, I want to talk about my dear friend, Ermie Garza Madrid, RN, and how life interfered with her daily grind, goals, and the toll it took. Here she is my friend, Ermie! She graduated in 2008 and began her journey as a Critical Care Nurse, and has worked as an Emergency Room Nurse. She currently works for a Fortune 500 company doing many things that she loves. We'll talk about her goals and how it could affect the people in the community that deal with diabetes and educating them in selfcare. Ermie talks about her daily grind, and one of the things that I love is that she gets the opportunity to work from home. One thing people who work from home forget is dressing appropiately not pajamas, LOL! But, she tells her secrets as she gets up and gets herself ready even putting on her makeup. I LOVE THIS! I asked her about what has interfered with her life most recently. She tells me that she was recently in a terrible car accident in Colorado, rolling over on an icy day, and that Monday is the one year anniversary of her nighmare. It touches me to hear the details of her accident as she fought to keep her eye and learned to walk again. She doesn't realize that she has already impacted, inspired, and given people hope. She feels this humbling experience helped her grow, develop, and overcome, through grace and her support system! Wow! What an experience! She is forever grateful for all the things that have lead her to who she is today! Thank you for sharing! You can hear our interview in the link below: 


Ep 3 Daily Grind, Goals, and Depression with Ermie

          Here are some photos of her road to recovery and the process.

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