Tuesday, November 14, 2023

"Sometimes Distractions are a Gift from God..."

Distractions are always happening. It is like someone always told me, "Life happens." But, who knows distractions better than myself? But here is my question, is it really a distraction? Or is it God preventing harm or keeping me safe from something coming up? Well, this is not easy to just allow what is coming and say I will leave it to God to put me on the right path. As I have endured life experiences, I have allowed myself to leave it in his hands. It is not easy, but what can I really control? I know that I can only control myself and this is something that I have learned to just allow. Distractions are usually illnesses that pull you from your daily routine when we least expect it or when things are building momentum at work or a business, a death in the family or a loved one, an accident that you did not plan, and when you get that call from the school of how your child is acting up. 

I can remember a time when JT and I  were on our way to a show in Fredericksburg. As we were driving there, it seemed we were in a time crunch to be there soon. But, it seemed that life was about to happen whether we were ready or not. It was stressful but the wreck we were going to come up on was about to change our perspective about the situation. As we were in our cars, the line of cars down the highway was like playing a waiting game that would put us into a stressful situation. So let's talk about this...was this really happening? Was it a safety move on God's part? As we grew near the accident moving slowly in our car, someone's life had been taken at this time. It was such a sad scene to be experiencing! This was a moment of relief and a moment of gratitude. God is good and God is good all the time! 

Sometimes when I am taken off track on my goals, I try to say, "It is time for a small break." God is saying, "Go, now! Do something for yourself!" I have to set smaller goals on a daily, even weekly basis. This allows me to stay productive and to be more accomplished. Another tip to keep in mind is to practice being grateful. We have to be grateful for the small things in order for God to bless us with the big things. I am still learning this one to this day. And lastly, I have to make sure I get enough rest every single day. This helps me stay focused and it helps me improve my overall health. If I feel good, then I can help others to do the same! 

I hope this helps someone and if you feel that you know someone it can help, please share with one person. Thank you! Have a blessed day! 

Love ya! 


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