Hello Everyone!
It is time to re-evaluate your goals. Here are some questions that I use to ask myself, "How am I doing?"
- What is working for you and what is not working for you?
- Are you keeping a record of what you are doing and what you are not doing?
- How is your day going?
- Are you able to get things done within a day?
- What part of your day are you most productive?
- Are you trying to accomplish too many things at one time or are you trying to rush through your tasks?
- What tasks are valuable to who you are trying to become or is it not worth it?
All of these questions help me determine how I am doing. This is an important process when it comes to finding out how things are going with your goals. Without this process, you could be setting yourself up for failure or discouragement. So make the time to keep a record of your daily process and how it will affect you accomplishing your goals.
While goals can seem appropriate at the time of setting them primarily, sometimes after re-evaluating how you are doing this could make them seem vague. What I mean is your goals need to be more specific. Here is an example:
My goal is to get out of debt. What exactly are you doing to do to get out of debt? This is a vague goal and many things could be done to accomplish this goal. But, how long are you giving yourself to attain this accomplishment? What tasks will allow you to help meet your end goal? So let's re-write this more specifically.
Specific and Timely:
My goal is to increase my credit score by 50 points to get it past 800. This goal will take me about six months and some tasks will include paying my credit cards at least less than 20% or in full each month. I will try to pay my balance three days before the due date or as soon as I can when the money is available.
This is more attainable within the time given and you know what needs to happen. Tracking your payments each month, re-evaluating your tracking process, and having more specific goals allow your accomplishments more successful. This all works hand-in-hand for you to become the best you! So with that, go set some goals and set yourself for success.
I hope this helps! And, I hope you have a blessed day!
Love Shell
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